Time Off

This November, December are the first time since 2009 that I haven’t served others by offering a Retreat. In this pivotal time of year, this is when we set the foundation for the New Year to be aligned clearly with our intentions. This doesn’t just happen. It requires TIME OFF to go DEEP into your desires, whether a day off, a weekend or a week off.

Two years ago at this time, I set my intention to PLAN Time Off and discontinue my November/December offerings at least for a year. I would get back on track prioritizing MY greatest intentions during this Time Off. Those of you who’ve been with me on Prana del Mar Retreats know directly from me my two MOST important desires, one of which is to finish some of my books.

This dedicated time off would be 6 months to focus on me. Just like I teach to focus on your greatest joy; to do what makes you happy. I would take part of this time as a sabbatical.

I had a Great Plan.
1. Business of Alchemy. Close up anything open.
2. Holiday on a beach to unplug and do nothing.
3. Be with family
4. Write and write and record new Podcast
5. Private intentions (PDM tribe know)
6. Edit
7. Work with publisher
*All while playing every day.

This is me stepping fully into the power of the sacred feminine to nurture my own well-being and happiness.

Well, things didn’t work according to plan, exactly.
I had both a mystical and physical healing crisis & evolution.

I am taking 17, 18, 19 December completely OFF.

I will continue, after this note, staying off of Social Media (I have a team managing it for me), no emails, no phone texts, no FB Messenger, no instagram DM’s, no whats app, no hidden FB messenger messages, no Twitter DM’s. For three days I am formally taking Time OFF.

Time Off is different than a Time Out.
Time Out is unplanned.
Time Off is planned.

This is me sharing that I am gifting myself 3 days.

This is a different experience than being sick, or unable to do anything, stuck in bed. My eyesight is improving, my brain is hurting and healing still but I’m over the worst of it.

I will not be able to work 14 hours per day every day like I was but I don’t want to. I will be more mindful.

I am creating a new definition of balance steeped in my own nature of the sacred feminine, no longer stuck in old conditioning of total self-sacrifice, but instead honoring my needs as I also continue to hold space for others to love themselves, love their day, love their life!

Thank you for your love, your prayers, meditations, and most of all thank you for your kindness. I know who you are and appreciate you with all my heart and soul.

Catalina Silvia Mordini

PS Please follow my lead, plan some time off and set your intentions for 2019. I’ll share my free Intention Packet in comments with support from a friend.

Put Your Lips to the World

“So come to the pond, or the river of your imagination, or the harbor of your longing, and put your lips to the world. And live your life.”
~ Mary Oliver
It is indeed the biggest honor to welcome our beautiful #Love #Alchemists to the @alchemyofyoga tribe April 1-22, 2018! We are coming together from all over the world (Canada, France, Japan, South Africa, Stockholm, Sweden, Qatar, USA) to #Bali, the island of love, to put our lips to the world and live fully into our BIGGEST dreams and intentions. Together we will manifest magical happenings and hold nothing back. We will make lifelong soul family friendships and have sacred fun. Our time will be a pivotal moment in all of our life stories. I am certain of that.
It is with a JOYFUL heart I introduce you to our 26th Class of Alchemists!I am giddy with excitement to hold space for you and do so along side my #soulsister @emilyperryyoga is a dream come true!
Gigi Ogario
Kelsey Waag
Carina Ventrone
Dalia Chidoub
Susan Gore
Trinette Borgen
Beth Jakubec
Stephanie Potter
Naujauh Bowers
Sebastian Lindberg
Cristina Staicu
Yasemin Altan
Monica Laurence
Priya Mistry
Kristin Berry
Erika Cartegena
Lizelle Wessels
Paige McColl
Ingrid Brill
Kayla Roark
Megan McAllister
Carrie McInerney
Becky Quinn
We are so happy to be one love in a time when the world needs to feel our positive vibration now more than ever. Thank you for Feeling Our Vibe and Joining Our Tribe!
#yogateachertraining #mysteryschool #yoga #travel #spiritual #adventure #loveyourself #loveyourday #loveyourlife #alchemyofyoga #ubud #teachertraining #bhakti #intention #manifest
RYT 200 Hour and RYT 300 Hour Teacher Trainings
We have 1 spot left in a double room. Is that you? Message me 1 206 886 5743

Will You do me a Favor

A month ago today we did a soft launch of the totally remodeled @alchemyofyoga website. It started August 2017. The beauty in the effort of this work was well worth the long hours and my retinas nearly melting 🙂It represents the digital story of my life’s work alchemy of yoga school.

KIND REQUEST: Would you visit my new website and share any feedback with me please? I would love that!

If you’re new to alchemy of yoga school. It is 13 years old with 26 graduating classes of #Happiness Ambassadors. We are officially a #yogateachertraining but also a #mysteryschool.
Our vision for you is “Authenticity and joyful self-confidence in living YOUR dharma!
Our Mission for the world is to TEACH PEACE.
We are seekers, adventurers, lovers of love, rebel yoga spirits, stretchy-minded, soulful, and sensitive. We enjoy supporting one another, laughter, organic food, dancing in the moonlight, lounging in a hot tub under the stars, playing in the water, silent meditation hikes, taking naps, and enthusiastic conversation about elevating the world.
Within this safe, nurturing environment we can delve into the deepest study of who we are so we can live our happiness in a big way. If you feel our vibe, join our tribe!
With immense gratitude to Greg Love of anydev.com for his fortitude, expertise and vision to create this masterpiece!

#teachpeace #yoga #yogaeverywhere #yogaeveryday #dharma #intention#transformation #alchemy #love #alchemyofyoga #alchemyoflove#gratitude #manifest

Harness the Power of the New Moon FREE Intention Booklet

New Moon energy (when the Moon is directly between the Earth and the Sun and not visible from Earth) is a potent time to align and create that which you desire to action your Dharma. It is a time of NEW beginnings and increased energy. It is about starting afresh, planting new seeds and connecting to your higher self. During this high-energy time (the 2 days before, day of and 2 days after) it is important to focus on what you want and stop giving energy to those things you fear.
It is a time of self-expression empowered with the knowledge that once you nurture your own desires and passions you can manifest your most important intentions. It is about birthing new ideas and activating the creative life force in yourself by focusing on your dreams, goals, inspiration, mission and vision to support your happiest life!
Love yourself, love your day, love your life! Silvia Mordini
Please enjoy my FREE 13 page Guide: How to Harness the Power of the New Moon to #Manifest #Intention
You’ll LOVE it!
Click here: https://silviamordiniyoga.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/…/alchemy-of-…
#newmoon #capricorn #moonmagic #journaling

Mantra to Protect Your Mind From Negative Thoughts

Daily I chant silently and aloud Om Tare Tuttare Ture Swaha. My crystal Mala blessed by Amma is always on my right wrist. It holds this mantra. 💚
“Tara #mantra is often used to overcome physical, mental or emotional blockages. #GreenTara is very active and steps down to help all the beings. Only thing required is that we need to resign and let go of our clinging to a particular outcome, because, to cling to a particular outcome is often self-defeating, as it creates unhappiness and agitation, particularly when it involves other people. The more we have Tara’s non-grasping attitude the more happy we are. When chanting the Tara mantra, we need to let go and bring the energy back into ourselves. This will generate immense inner peace and clarity.
Tara mantra protects the mind
#Goddess Tara is truly amazing. The #Tara mantra protects the mind from negative thoughts and vibrations. By its devotional chanting, one’s awareness expands and then you can feel the power of the blessings of Tara, who is called as the mother of all buddhas. She is extremely powerful, #compassionate and very forgiving. The mantra is truly very calming and relaxing. It helps center and calm the noise of the mind which is hyperactive.
People who are chanting the mantra often finds that their inner compassion is awakened.
Friendliness and tolerance flower in to our being as the qualities of Tara #manifest in us as we chant the Tara mantra. It is believed that reciting her mantra 108 times daily invokes her swift blessings.”

Read on http://gayatriclab.com/2011/10/the-power-of-tara-mantra-“om-tare-tuttare-ture-swaha”-for-daily-protection/

Manifest Kindness

When we live our kindness so much so that it becomes no different than breathing, it simply becomes a part of us.

May we all manifest a world where kindness is almost invisible.

#secondnature #bekind #manifest #kindness
@alchemyofyoga #bali
Feel our vibe? Join our tribe.

http://www.alchemyofyoga.com — at Villa Tanah Shanti.

Opening our Hearts for 2017 Alchemy Interns FREE YTT or Retreat!

Opening our Hearts for 2017 Alchemy Interns To Be Part of our Team

Dearest Beloveds,

We are looking to add 2 creative, fun loving, brainy and organized Interns from anywhere in the world to our Alchemy team who want to either complete their 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training or enjoy an incredible Alchemy Tours Retreat.

Exchange is for either RYT 200 hour program you are interested in: Bali April 15-May 6, 2017 or Costa Rica July 29 – Aug 19, 2017 or one of our 2017 Alchemy Tours Retreats.

One hour of work = one hour teacher training program/retreat

What makes you a great fit? 

  • Do you have a background or talent in social media?
  • Do you have experience editing, writing, or design?
  • Are you a natural connector or have experience in community building?
  • Do you have an hour a day, around 5 times a week

What does this look like?
You will work remotely, checking in on a weekly basis.

Please email silvia@alchemytours.com and hello@alchemytours.com your resume or just briefly tell us a story about your background or talent in marketing, social media, or community building. Also please include your social media stats and in the title of your email write: “My Dharma is Love. I’m your Alchemy Intern.”

By Jan. 17th and we will choose 2017 Interns!

With love and respect for our beautiful global family. Thank you!


Pronoia Harnesses the Power of Yes

PRONOIA: the opposite of paranoia; the belief that the universe is conspiring in your favor.

I have made a point at the beginning of each year to make a personal “yes list.” I’ve been doing this for eight years. I know it works. Write down the key things that give you strength and inspiration. Ask yourself: Do the items on this list support you in waking up each day with enthusiasm to live your best life? Does what you list empower you to feel more passionate about your intentions? Think about the power of YES in your life:

1. Are you conscious and alert to your yes choices?
2. Do you say yes more than you say no? Why?
3. What does saying yes mean to you?
4. What do you say yes to? Make a personal yes list.

This year my yes list contains yoga, meditation, travel, writing, tribe, self-care, kindness, and unplugging.

Harnessing the power of intention means being confident as you say YES. When you decide you are clear on what you say yes to, then everyone and everything is there to support you. As is written in The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, “When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”

Finally, don’t forget to post copies of your yes list where you can see and reference it everyday. You can even take a photo of it and put it as your screen saver.


I Say YES to Happiness!

Excerpt from my FREE Intention Setting Workbook: How to Manifest Happiness



8,760 Hours in 2017 Mind Map Your Intentions

Remember there are 168 hours/week and 8,760 hours/year.
Where would you like this time to go in 2017? Organize your core values and key intentions into into categories such as happiness, fun, family, creativity, work, spirituality, giving etc. Consider turning these categories into Mind Maps.

A term first made popular by British author Tony Buzan, “mind mapping” is a style of graphically depicting concepts related to a particular topic or idea. For the purpose of intention setting, a mind map is one way to visually represent your inner creativity and identify what lights you up. This can be a great place to start because there are no rules. A mind map evolves organically and can reveal your most authentic desires and needs. Add drawings, words, scribbles, color and anything that you connect with in a real way.

One of the most powerful mind maps is as simple as a circle. Inside the circle exists everything you could ever want or be, outside the circle is anything that you do not want. (Sometimes, it’s necessary to know what you don’t want first so that you can stay laser focused on what you do want.) Use your senses to identify what is inside your circle. How do you want to feel? What does it sound, smell, taste like? Use language that awakens your spirit and gets you excited!

Exercise: Mind Mapping
Draw a circle and inside the circle write what you want, outside what you don’t want.
Mind Map #1: Health
Mind Map #2: Happiness
Mind Map #3: Yoga
Mind Map #4: Fun
Mind Map #5: Finances
Mind Map #6: Giving
Mind Map #7: Personal Development (Learning)

For this and more exercises download my #FREE New Year’s Intention Setting Workbook helping you align directly with How to #Manifest #Happiness.


Map Your Intentions to Manifest

When you break down the process of what true intention really is, you will find a process that unfolds before you. By applying this process, you create your intention. With a well defined MAP of your intentions they become easier to MANIFEST. On my #yogaretreats & trainings I will help support you through this process in practical and loving ways.

1. Know your purpose (Vision/Dharma): Your reason behind your intention is purpose. Having a purpose infers a more determined path.
2. Design your intent: This means a specific, measurable (quantitative and qualitative), plan of action. What, when, why, where, how.
3. Improve your aim (GPS): By improving your aim, you add to your target effort directed toward attaining your intention. Remember it’s hard to make a bull’s eye if you don’t know where you’re aiming.
4. Include smaller items that will take little effort: manifesting smaller things actually creates a steady flow of energy and teaches us to appreciate the smaller goals as well.
5. Manifest your Intentions: The goal is the result of your #intention, put into action and attaining it by thought out effort and consistent focus.

Lens #alchemyofyoga #tribe #Bali #namaste


Upcoming Dates:
Feb 8-12, 2017 Northwest Yoga Conference 
Mar 9-12, 2017 Sedona Yoga Festival
Mar 19-26, 2017 Bali Spirit Festival
Mar 26-April 3, 2017 Bali Yoga Retreat with Hannah Muse
April 3-10, 2017 Bali Yoga Retreat with DJ Drishti
April 15-May 6, 2017 Bali Yoga Teacher Training 
June 25-July 1, 2017 Tuscany Yoga Retreat
July 29-Aug 19, 2017 Costa Rica Yoga Teacher Training with Emily Perry
Nov 25-Dec 2, 2017 Mexico Yoga Retreat at Prana del Mar with Emily Perry
Sept 30-Oct 7, 2017 Patagonia Yoga Retreat with DJ Drishti
March 1-22, 2018 Bali Yoga Teacher Training

#manifest #manifestation
