2019 Lessons Learned

Lessons Learned from 2019…what would you add?

1. Don’t ignore your intuition. Trust your instincts.
2. The person that hurt you cannot heal you.
3. Your best everything comes from ease not stress.
4. Don’t let anyone mistreat you.
5. Don’t stay where you are not welcomed.
6. If you need a break, take one.
7. Learn from rejection.
8. Ask for help
9. Boundaries save time
10. Learn to say No.
11. Let go to grow
12. Lack of self-worth attracts manipulators
13. Being Authentic is more important than being nice.

Photo #BaliLife @ulrikereinholdphotography

Lessons Learned 2019 (DOWNLOAD)

Sutra Saturday Chapter 1 Verse 4

Sutra 1.4
Chapter 1 Verse 4
vritti sarupyam itaratra

At other times, when one is not in Self-realization, the Seer appears to take on the form of the modifications of the mind field, taking on the identity of those thought patterns.
Up till now the inner persons have identified themselves with their forms and with their active modifications.

Otherwise, we identify with the activities of the mind.
vritti = of the operations, activities, fluctuations, modifications, changes, or various forms (of the mind-field)
sarupyam = similarity, assimilation, appearance of, identification of form or nature, conformity with the shape of; the root sa means with, and rupa means form
itaratra = elsewhere, at other times, when not in that state of realization above

Self Study Questions
1. How strongly does my imagination affect my belief system?
2. How much do I project my own mental projections onto others?
3. Are there misperceptions that family/friends have pointed out to me that I still refuse to accept or acknowledge?
4. What do I need to do to become aware of the activities of my mind?
5. How much of my identity is wrapped up in the roles that I play

Tales of a Traveling Yoga Mat

Have Mat Will Travel.
I almost packed my mat in my suitcase but took it out because I didn’t want to be separated today. So it’s with me as carry-on as the most reliable travel buddy along with my #crystal #malas and other talisman.
En route from place to place whether its Bali to Sydney or Sydney to Chicago or Brisbane to Florence or Florence to San Francisco I have my mat with me.
I have a routine at all familiar airports I travel through.
My yoga mat serves as a statement at the airport. It says something about me and I feel like I’m an ambassador of #yoga when I carry it around. I like this.
Have mat will travel.
A Love Story: A Love Alchemist + a Yoga Mat
💕 To be continued💕
#yogamat stories
#travel #spiritual #adventure
Tales of a Traveling Yoga Mat

You Deserve to Experience Your Own Magic

YOU deserve to experience your own MAGIC.
There comes a point when you decide it’s time to Claim Your Best Life and realize how Great you can feel.

You raise BOTH your hands in the air and say YES!

Today choose Alchemy of Yoga RYT 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training to support your ultimate #Transformation and feel your magic.
Bali RTY200 Yoga Teacher Training March 31 – April 21, 2019
Triple Lodging $3590
Double Lodging $3990
Single Lodging $4490
What’s included? 22 days of private villa, private bathroom, your own private pool for your villa. All meals, special cultural activities, and ALL 200 hour training.

**Live in Paradise and come away as a Yoga Alliance Certified Yoga Teacher RYT200**
ALCHEMY OF YOGA SCHOOL: Authenticity and joyful self-confidence in living YOUR dharma!
“The freedom we are looking for is the freedom to be ourselves”
– Don Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreements
Email trainings@alchemyofyoga.com with questions
Register at https://alchemyofyoga.com/yoga-teacher-trainings/bali-home/

Stop Running Away from Fear

“No one ever tells us to stop running away from fear…the advice we usually get is to sweeten it up, smooth it over, take a pill, or distract ourselves, but by all means make it go away.”

Most of us do not take these situations as teachings. We automatically hate them. We run like crazy. We use all kinds of ways to escape — all addictions stem from this moment when we meet our edge and we just can’t stand it. We feel we have to soften it, pad it with something, and we become addicted to whatever it is that seems to ease the pain.” 
― Pema Chödrön, When Things Fall Apart: Heartfelt Advice for Hard Times

For me this is the year I live with NO FEAR.

No numbing out or running away for me. 160 days, 5 months sober curious is part of that. Every year I go at least 3-6 months alcohol free. It keeps me grounded and for me it’s a touchstone to make sure I’m not mentally addicted to anything. I am talking about it now for the first time because I feel it’s important to know I’m exercising a choice you have open to you too.

It’s also a testament to the kind of energy I want to attract in a Man.

I am not interested in someone that 5 days a week needs to drink or get high (even in the socially acceptable ways that have infiltrated the world.) His vibration must match mine so that if we can be present to one another. And to acknowledge we are in control of our choices to have an IPA or a glass of wine. Instead of being driven by anything that can numb us out as a means to run away from what we’re afraid of. Because soon enough you’re using alcohol, drugs or even sex to run away from each other and that’s not going to bode well for the sustainability of the relationship.

I’m not running. I have NO FEAR.
As I recite from my #kundalini practice each morning “where there is love, there is no fear, where there is no fear, there is no anger.” As always fear or love and I choose LOVE.

How to Embody the Elements in Your Life

I have had a long love affair with the asana, the physical poses of Yoga. I was a pose collector after all. As spiritual as I am, I walked through that portal because of the embodiment I developed though the physical.
Here is what we cover in my @alchemyofyoga teacher training.

Physical Alchemy: Embody the Elements

Physical Alchemy. In our program we apply intelligent alignment while at the same time inspiring our students to “embody” the Elements in Yoga from Earth, Water, Fire, Air to Ether. We are not “doing” yoga, we are feeling the holistic experience.
For thousands of years, the body in yoga has been thought to be made up of five primary elements. In this in-depth study you will learn the anatomical, energetic and psychological components of each element in the body while practicing postures, breathing techniques, meditations and interior seals to direct the flow of energy.
You will learn how physical alignment supports the alignment of heart, mind and spirit. We utlize the asana practice to help our students engage in the Art of Self-Discovery on the mat so they can live their yoga off the mat in the same way.
Essentially the way we do our yoga becomes the way we live our lives.
The Alchemy of Yoga practice interweaves the philosophy of the Eight Limbed path of yoga in all we teach based in the Yoga Sutras. Therefore, like a sutra (a thread, a suture connecting one part to another), we see the practice of yoga as Physical, Mental and Spiritual Alchemy as all connected. Here we begin to fully experience the ancient technology of asana breaking down the poses that comprise our Fundamental Pose Syllabus.

Earth: Feet/Pelvis
The root of the spine within the pelvic floor is the ground for all growth in yoga.

Water: Sacrum
It is essential to stay fluid and light in the hip joints and sacral region.

Fire: Core
The third chakra is a common place for constriction due to stress and emotional holding.

Air: Chest/Lungs
Prana flows through the lungs and heart, upper ribs and sternal region.

Space: Neck/Palate/Ear
In this portion we practice asana, mudra, and pranayama for the jaw and throat and cranial bones.


You Know that Feeling When You’ve Made a Life Changing Investment in Yourself

You know that feeling when you’ve made a life-changing investment in YOURSELF?
It is not enough to just talk about self-love… NOW is the time to actually do something about it! Demonstrate it through radical self-care like a 200 hour investment in your own self-empowerment.

Find your PURPOSE.
CONNECT with new people.
LEARN about yourself.
Delve deep into your INTENTION, and emerge STRONGER.

If one of your resolutions is a Yoga Teacher Training (maybe for the second, or even third year in a row?) then do something about it and make the commitment now. Register today.

Join our amazing alumni from 25 countries from around the globe over the last 15 years, and book your Alchemy of Yoga Teacher Training! Visit alchemyofyoga.com below

Upcoming Trainings:
BALI March 31-April 19, 2019
COSTA RICA July 27-August 17, 2019
BALI September 1-22, 2019


Which Yoga Pose Challenges You the Most?

Which Yoga Pose Challenges You the Most?

Constantly being myself.

What Are Your Go-To Yoga Poses When You’re Stressed or in Need of an Energy Boost?

Supine poses are my antidote for both stress and calling energy back to me. I am shown here in Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose known in sanskrit as Supta Padangusthasana. A couple notes on this pose, only extend the leg out to the degree you can keep both your hips on the ground. It’s important to always maintain stability so flexibility has a strong foundation.

There are a million reasons to be stressed each day especially if you agree that stress can be defined as “any change.” Since we are in a constant state of change, the weather outside is different every day, and inside we are evolving, there is plenty of stress.

This means that Stress is not limited to negative changes it can very well be related to positive change. What I mean by that is happy change can be stressful, things like having a baby, getting married, getting a promotion, buying a new house are all what I’d call happy changes. They also come with their own brand of stress.

Therefore we all need to make time to quiet down the stress through the various means that work best for you today. Addressing stress is not a one size fit all solution. It all depends.

For me, I guess what I’m really saying is the easiest way to destress is just lie down.

Love yourself, love your day, love your life!

Bali Yoga Teacher Training March 31st to April 21st 2019

Tribe matters.

Allow me to hold space for you to get to know yourself. That’s all.
And from there: Be in LOVE with your life!
From there grow in love with your #tribe and Be in love with the world!

Join our #Alchemy family. ❤

Who Is This For?
* You have the desire to learn “How to Live a LIFE Inspired” for lasting change by cultivating inner happiness and outer bliss.
* You are ready to authentically and effectively inspire others to live their best lives.
* You feel called to teach about the interconnectedness of all people, nature, energies, past and future through the Alchemy of Love.
* You are ready to be held accountable for your Happiness.
* You love Yoga! . Benefits You Can Expect:
* We will uncover the obstacles to your happiness
* We will show you how to tap into your greatest potential & live from your highest self
* We will make practical how to live your dharma
* We will hold you accountable for radical self-love and help you design self-care strategies (including daily meditation and mantra)
* We will guide you through in-depth development of business strategy, personal growth and soulful happiness.
* Personalized Business Coaching to develop your authentic brand, mission and vision.
* Personalized Spiritual Coaching offering you energy medicine prescriptions for happiness informed by your dosha, astrology, chakra balance, karma and your guides.
* An action plan to grow your business in an energetically sustainable way – no burnout!

Together by you doing your best YOU, we will fully live the MISSION to #TEACH #PEACE with support of your love tribe.

Prerequisites for this program?
1. You are ready to go DEEP and show up as your true SELF.
2. You believe in magic.
3. You value and benefit from tribe . .

Reach out with questions silvia@alchemytours.com .

Registration is OPEN with $300 OFF ! .


Sutra Saturday Chapter 1 Verse 3

Sutra 1.3 tada drashtuh svarupe avasthanam

Translation 1: Then the Seer abides in itself, resting in its own true nature, which is called Self-realization.
Translation 2: When this has been accomplished, the yogis know themselves as they are in reality.
Translation 3: With the attainment of focused mind, the inner being establishes itself in all its reality.

For me what is most relevant about this sutra that comes after 1.2 Yoga Chitta Vritti Nirodhah all about the fluctuations of the mind is WHY. Why would we want this? Why does it matter? Why does it take effort?

So I can say it like this, we experience this sutra when we “Starve the distractions and Feed the focus.” When your mind is more quiet (not the constant noisy chatter) then you feel, understand and are at peace with what is. Truth is revealed through awareness from this quiet state. You watch but don’t engage. Why would you want this? Because we all seek peace and harmony inwardly and outwardly.

Sutra 1.3 can be used as a mantra: “Om Tada Drashtuh Svarupe Avasthanam