And listen.
That’s what I’ve been doing to try to hear what Spirit wants me to teach around the world in 2019. I’ve been mostly in #silence this past week invested in #stillness and deep listening. I’m surrendering as a conduit of love to be Love, share Love, Teach Love.
What’s come through thus far is this. 
❤️ If I can teach anything I’d teach:
Love. Happiness. Healing. Peace.
Through Meditation. Tribe. Trust. Authenticity.
I’m digging deep for the drishti of my heart in what this 2019 Tour will be called and my exact programs contained within. I’m feeling this arise:
Selecting with your Soul.
☀️ Connect to source energy, believe your intuition and trust your soul to know how to fulfill your spiritual happiness by discovering…
 who you really are
 how to live your dharma
 where to live and find your soul tribe
 transform your trauma
 leave the safe zone, get unstuck from samskara’s
 let go of the drama
 create rituals and routines for soulful nourishment
 nurture your nature
 to live
 with 108 prescriptions for happiness
As the DreamCatcher
Ready to catch
Your OWN dreams.
My workshops will include:
1. Dharma over Drama
2. Rituals and Routines
3. Mindfullyin.Love
4. Happiness Prescriptions
5. Be a DreamCatcher
As I nurture and birth these latest offerings from my innermost heart, channeling the work of Spirit working thru me, I feel them all as expression of the sacred feminine.
I’m super excited about how these can offer practical ways to live a LIFE Inspired.
☀️ I’m so fired up to share this with you that if you invite me to teach these in 2018 I’ll say YES!
I don’t want to wait a moment longer. It’s time!
Especially interested in leading workshops, pop up #yoga classes, speaking engagements in #Australia #Europe and #WashingtonDC area
Where’s the Yoga?
Well these themes can be condensed into the length of a #yogaclass or presented over hours with no Asana or a combination. You choose!
You can joyfully reach me at
What’s app +1-206-886-5743

Harness the Power of the New Moon FREE Intention Booklet

New Moon energy (when the Moon is directly between the Earth and the Sun and not visible from Earth) is a potent time to align and create that which you desire to action your Dharma. It is a time of NEW beginnings and increased energy. It is about starting afresh, planting new seeds and connecting to your higher self. During this high-energy time (the 2 days before, day of and 2 days after) it is important to focus on what you want and stop giving energy to those things you fear.
It is a time of self-expression empowered with the knowledge that once you nurture your own desires and passions you can manifest your most important intentions. It is about birthing new ideas and activating the creative life force in yourself by focusing on your dreams, goals, inspiration, mission and vision to support your happiest life!
Love yourself, love your day, love your life! Silvia Mordini
Please enjoy my FREE 13 page Guide: How to Harness the Power of the New Moon to #Manifest #Intention
You’ll LOVE it!
Click here:…/alchemy-of-…
#newmoon #capricorn #moonmagic #journaling

How to Meditate – No Wrong Way

Starting and sustaining a #meditation practice is one of the key Happiness Prescriptions I follow everyday. It’s the heart of my teachings.
1. Sit down
2. Stop moving
3. Repeat every day.
The actual sitting down and just being with yourself is where most people stop. They believe there is some right or wrong way to be still. Truthfully, that’s just your ego’s way of trying to tell you you’re no good at it before you even started. The ego also loves to try and tell you that you’ll do it wrong.
☮️ Do not listen, drop that story!
This is why it’s called a meditation #practice. There’s no need to be perfect in your practice. We all have good days and bad days. It’s the same with meditation. You will have great experiences and seemingly not so great ones.
I’d love to inspire you to TRY #meditation ❤️
Join me #AlchemyofYoga Founder Silvia Mordini, Life Inspired Happiness Coach and my Co-host Greg Love @iamgreglove on instagram.
Sign up here
🌟FREE🌟 Meditation program for 7 days to your inbox.
#meditation #transformation #peace #love #7daysoflove
#loveyourself #loveyourday #loveyourlife #mindfullyinlove #fallinlove
Photo #bali

3 Ways to Be Happy – Happiness Prescriptions

Seeking Happiness by Silvia Mordini

Happiness is a continuous state of quiet joy that exists in the moment from the inside out. Happiness is what love looks like. It is the manifestation of what it means to love ourselves, love our day, love our lives.

“Contentment is about falling in love with your life.” – Swami Rama

As seekers of happiness it is important to understand how much of it depends on internal versus external factors. Based on her research, in her 2007 book The How of Happiness, positive psychology researcher Sonja Lyubomirsky concluded that roughly 50 percent of happiness is determined by our genes and 10 percent by our life circumstance, but 40 percent depends on our daily activities.

This 50% is what is commonly known as our Happiness Set Point. The great news is that we have the power to influence 40% of our happiness.

You can seek daily activities that inspire enthusiasm. This is why Yoga Festivals like Sedona Yoga Festival or Bali Spirit Festival are a Happiness Reset. For four days you choose exactly those events that you are most passionate about such as going on a hike, taking a Handstand Workshop, Yoga Nidra, Kundalini Yoga or kicking back listening to amazing musicians share what they love.

The yogic philosophy of Santosha, often translated to mean contentment, is about living into your choices and within those happenings loving what life is offering us moment to moment. Finding the peaceful joy that is our natural state is the return to self that a weekend at a yoga festival brings about.

“Happiness depends on ourselves.” – Aristotle.

1. Take Responsibility

How to be Happy starts with taking responsibility for the quality of your life. When we are willing to accept accountability, it gets easier to authentically describe what we want our happiest life to feel like. From there, the whole world opens up!

“Happy people avoid blame in all its incarnations. They don’t blame other people, they don’t blame circumstances, and they don’t blame themselves. To happy people, blame serves no purpose. It doesn’t ever get us what we truly desire. In fact happy people not only avoid blame but they also avoid its family members envy, greed and jealousy – which are among the key indicators of unhappiness.” -The Choices Happy People Make

2. Choose Now

The act of waiting for happiness to be happy, or “happiness procrastination” as I refer to it, can be paralyzing. If we have a prerequisite of a certain condition taking place to facilitate happiness then we’ll always be waiting as opposed to being happy in the moment. If we fool ourselves into believing that we have to understand the reasons why we’re unhappy, the result will be getting stuck in that state of unhappiness. Instead choose those activities that spark joy, stop over intellectualizing your choices and live in the present.

What’s so important about being in the moment? Spiritual practice teaches us that the present moment is the source of healing, love, inspiration, and happiness. In fact, the purest form of happiness is found in the present moment. The yogis call this power of presence shakti. But to reap these benefits, we can’t just have fleeting moments of presence. We have to stay long enough in the present moment to really soak in the happiness.

Apply this Happiness Rx (Prescription):
• Each day take time away from your electronics and have a face-to-face conversation (instead of Face-to-book)
• Each week take one Media Detox day without technology (tv, laptop, cell phones, ect)
• Each month plan a nature trip whether it’s hiking in the mountains or walking the beach.
• Take a long weekend each year to attend a Wanderlust Festival for a happiness reset.
• Each year go on retreat where you can unplug from your business life for a week.
• At the end of the year, take a business “savasana” where you celebrate all that you attempted and accomplished and find pleasure in resting in that knowledge.

3. Stoke Your Passion!

Happiness is a direct experience of enthusiasm. Remember, it is not how or when we accomplish something that matters most, it is the sense of enthusiasm during the process that demonstrates our quality of life. Enthusiasm gives us the chance to go beyond our happiness set point. The foundational teachings of yoga tell us that joy is our birthright. That doesn’t mean it comes easy: It takes real effort. However, this exertion is well worth it and we should never let a day go by without putting forth our best effort to live with passion.

Practice this Mantra: I love myself, I love my day, I love my life!

The Only Way is Thru

”Nobody will protect you from your suffering. You can’t cry it away or eat it away or starve it away or walk it away or punch it away or even therapy it away. It’s just there, and you have to survive it. You have to endure it. You have to live through it and love it and move on and be better for it and run as far as you can in the direction of your best and happiest dreams across the bridge that was built by your own desire to heal.” 
— Cheryl Strayed
Lens @pranadelmar #baja #heartmedicine
#HappinessRx The only way is thru.

Lifestyle Inventory of 2016

The first part of this Intention Workbook is to do a Lifestyle Inventory of 2016 to better understand its Alchemy and include only those choices that will support your 2017 success!
Take time to print out this booklet, pour yourself a cup of tea or coffee (my fave is #UnicornPony), choose your favorite pen, write out your responses and consider what you know to be best for you. Trust your lifetime of wisdom to set INTENTIONS to manifest your greatest Happiness in 2017.

I encourage you to use this How to Manifest Happiness Booklet to guide you through consciousness raising to keep your 2017 Intentions fired up through this year and beyond! Just the Self-Love Reminders on page 9 and my most recommended Spiritual book list on page 17 are worth the read.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out with your questions, email me your intention statements for feedback. I appreciate you. I love you.
With total gratitude,
Silvia ❤️💜💙💚💛

Email me for your copy or download from my Coaching Page.


HappinessRx Relationship Advice

I was talking to a friend of mine who is finishing a year long transition out of an unhealthy relationship into a new relationship.

I remember what is was like going from an unhealthy relationship to a healthy relationship. There are some fundamental changes that can serve as both hurdles and growth points.

I learned that we can become so habituated to drama, distress and unease that when we transition to a healthy eco system in relationship we can actually crave what we knew before. So much so that when a new world of peace, non argumentative behavior,and and non violent communication is offered we aren’t right away comfortable with it. We can actually resist against it, even fight against the healthy relationship with or without meaning to self-sabotage.

When fighting, raising voices, proving yourself right becomes the way with repetition throughout years then it takes a bit of time and constant tracking of our mindfulness to set new neuro pathways in our brains to inform and produce different behavior.

Mindfulness is key.

Nonviolent Communication (NVC) is very helpful.

And most of all a desire to create a new way based in love and not fear will make you stronger. I know you have that desire. I am here to support you in your evolution which at times can seem like an internal (r)evolution. Trust in your ability to grow your compassion and love more.

Nonviolent Communication (NVC) aims to find a way for all present to get what really matters to them without the use of guilt, humiliation, shame, blame, coercion, or threats. It is useful for resolving conflicts, connecting with others, and living in a way that is conscious, present, and attuned to the genuine, living needs of yourself and others.

NVC includes a simple method for clear, empathic communication, consisting of four steps:
1. Observations
2. Feelings
3. Needs
4. Requests


Soul Surgery

My Dear Hearts I spent 2015 undergoing Soul Surgery.

It wasn’t convenient, was uber expensive and quite certainly it was messy and painful. I had surgically removed the virus of “settling” for less than what I deserve.

My post surgery physical and emotional therapy included facing everything I was most afraid of. It was intense hard work to recover and regain radiant health.

Since I was already committed to this soul surgery I asked my healers to help me remove anything/anyone else that was stuck in my tissues. I discovered I had been carrying around old lives karma as well. And scar tissue had built up where old pain didn’t fully heal.

When I woke up from this epic soul surgery I vowed to keep my energy clean from this point forward so as to avoid any further viruses attacking my heart.

I am a high vibe, conscious, healthy, loving woman. And I am going to keep it that way.

Post Surgery: As part of my personal Happiness Prescription I am 100% dedicated to radical self-care and spiritual self-love and I will no longer allow low vibe people lacking honesty or integrity in my life. They only weaken my immunity and make me more susceptible to other viruses.

My tribe are lovers, truth tellers, heroes of peace and kindness committed to raising the vibration of our beautiful mother earth.

I am not rushing into this new year but instead being mindful of all I’ve learned as I look how far I’ve come.

It takes active effort to live a LIFE Inspired. I do it every day.

If you feel my vibe, I look forward to connecting heart to heart whether it”s in the ether or in person. I love you already.

Jai Ma!

‪#‎love‬ cures everything #writeaboutwhathurts #hemingway

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