I Vow to Remain Empowered by the Light of my Soul

On the cusp of the Winter #solstice I renew my vow to remain empowered by the light of my soul and stay true to myself. I know the relationship I’m having with myself is mirrored back by the relationships I attract. If I honor my heart then I am modeling how I should be treated. Here’s to ☀️Growing the light! ☀️
“May the light within you guide your way on. Because when you look to the outside for light, there is a possibility that you may be blinded and exploited. But one thing shall never betray a woman: her own light and her own radiance as a woman. If the light within you can guide you, you will definitely excel. The time has come when this exploitation must stop. The time has come when a daughter should be treated as a daughter, a mother should be treated as a mother, a wife should be treated as a wife, and over and above all, woman should be treated as a woman.” -Yogi Bhajan
I bow to the longtime SUN.
#divinefeminine #sacredfeminine #respect #kundalini #yoga

Photo credit Greg Love @iamgreglove

My Life My Choices

My life is the result of the choices I make.
I hold this power in the palm of my hands.
Everything changed the moment I accepted responsibility for the quality of my life.
For me it was a conscious choice to give up even the most subtle aspects of #blamestorming. I make my life. I am the queen of the kingdom of me!
My acceptance of responsibility makes me engage in life in a bigger way. I feel big. I am mahima!
Now have I always made the best choices? Yes.
Even my choices that weren’t made for my highest good offered lessons. Everything is for the education of our soul. The way I’ve gotten smarter is not to repeat those choices that limit my growth.
I will not waste any more time in my life by choosing actions that take me out of alignment.
The most important choice I make each day, is I choose me. I always love myself, my day, my life.

Stir Your Honey Pot at Bali Spirit Festival

Stoked to stir the honey pot March 24th 1:30pm at BaliSpirit Festivalwoohoo! 🎶❤️ Hip, Hip, Hooray!
Think of all the things that give you pleasure and nurture you and this is related to the care and feeding of your honey pot.
If we ignore our hips they begin acting as the junk drawer of the body. In doing so, we lose our self-confidence, our emotional connection to each other, and our power to make #change
This workshop is a journey into #empowerment and reclaims our essential foundation for #happiness by focusing on the elements of earth and water.
1️⃣Through chakra one, we will learn skills for grounding and rooting ourselves in the Earth.
2️⃣In chakra two, we will reclaim the mysteries of #creativity, relationship to emotion, and devotion, as powerful agents of connection with ourselves and others.
Expect inspirational music and a juicy creative hip opening #vinyasa flow practice, great for detoxifying and grounding.
Practice starts with a heat building, hip & thigh opening sun salutation sequence, then moves into a series of hip openers where you will spend time breaking down and exploring the postures more deeply. The main poses we will work towards will be full bakasana, krounchasana and yogadandasana.
A deep savasana and mantra and song to end the workshop will help us truly move smoothly with our honey pots restored!
💕Guest Teacher #HannahMuse inspiring thru sacred song 

More Peace Please by Silvia Mordini

“Our leaders got confused.
So we are all leaders now.
They told us there was nothing we could do.
They were wrong.
When we tell ourselves
There is nothing we can do, we are wrong.
….We’re all making the soup.
we’re all eating.
We’re all weaving the cloth
we’re all wearing.”
-Ruth Herbert and Paloma Pavel

To read the rest of this article check back into my site later this week. In the meantime here is a teaser of the beginning and ending.

World, Inc. is finally ready for transformation. This organization, “society” that includes all of us needs us as change agents to determine that everyone should make it. The brutality of a few should inspire us all to take action now, like never before, to tap into our collective power to change.

We are a collective and ….”We’re all making the soup.
we’re all eating.
We’re all weaving the cloth
we’re all wearing.”

It’s time and we are ready for more peace, please.

Love yourself, love day, love your life! Love.The.World.

Teach Peace.

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