5 Ways to Be More Generous by Silvia Mordini

5 Ways to Be More Generous

As a result of practicing yoga, I have changed the way I think about generosity. I have learned to give without expectation and to always remain mindful of the quality of my generosity.   Generosity in yoga is an interesting learning based partly on two of the five Yamas:

It means the opposite of taking (Asteya) whereby we share freely with a focused quality effort. Generosity implies looking at life through a prism of abundance instead of scarcity. In yoga, this is known as Aparigraha: there is more than enough for everyone.

As Rumi says, “In generosity and helping others: be like the river. In compassion and grace: be like the sun.”

5 Ways to Be More Generous

Unconditional generosity, giving, and helping others is from a heart of unconditional loving kindness. Here below are suggestions for how to be more generous in daily life.

1. Give more time.

Take a moment to think of ways you can be .

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How Stressed Out are You? By Silvia Mordini

How Stressed Out are You?

Have you ever noticed a low level of anxiety constantly gnawing away inside you? Do you find yourself clenching your jaw, grinding your teeth, fidgeting, seeking meaningless distraction, anything just to handle the stress or get away from the tension you feel just being you?   Yoga calls this Dukha. It means suffering, imbalance, despair, anguish, anxiety, irritation, uncertainty and more. You get the idea.  If you feel Dukha, you are not alone. Despite the fact we have more comforts and material possessions, more freedom and more mobility than any people in modern history, Americans are awash in Dukha. As George Carlin put it, “the paradox of our time in history is we have more….” (I’ll share more about this later.)

How Dukha Impacts Us On All Levels

We all know that stress can have a huge impact on how we live day-do-day. It affects our mood, our social relationships, our sleep pattern and diet, .

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The Importance of Community in Yoga by Silvia Mordini

The Importance of Community in Yoga

My favorite part of yoga is community — the coming together of humans of all shapes, sizes, backgrounds, ages, interests to share the same experience. That’s why I go back everyday as a teacher and as a student.

Science tells us that being in a healthy community is good for us. The vibration of positive-minded people raises our vibrational frequency, and this shared joy elevates our spirits.

This is talked about in Yoga Sutra Chapter 2.33 Pratipaksha Bhavana. Essentially, the sutras spell out that if we are imbalanced mentally, physically, or emotionally, then we are not living our true nature which is joy. Therefore, engaging with others trying to think happy thoughts helps us create happy thoughts as well.

Positive energy creates and attracts more positive energy! Community that breeds higher vibration contributes to raising consciousness for all.

Creating a Yoga Community

After teaching yoga for some years I also founded a 4,000 square foot studio that welcomed .

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16 Yogis on How Yoga Changed Their Lives Including Silvia Mordini

I am THRILLED on this Thursday (or any day) to be included in such great company as Elena Brower, Kathryn Budig, Mary Beth LaRue, Tara Stiles, Rachel Brathen Yoga Lifestyle
We were asked How has Yoga Changed Our Lives? What would you say?

I said, “Yoga woke me up to my potential for happiness that exists in the moment from the inside out. Happiness is the manifestation of what it means to love ourselves, love our day, love our lives.”

Thank you mindbodygreen, love you guys! Read the rest here.

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Why Yogis Are More Attractive by Silvia Mordini Do You Yoga

Why Yogis Are More Attractive

Here is a super simple fact about energy: it is attracted to the same kind of energy. Like energy attracts like energy. When we breathe, feel, and live from our heart energy we attract more of the same. And science can prove it. This is otherwise known as the Law of Attraction. FaveluluphotoAnd interesting enough, when you feel good, you are more attractive. Yoga teaches us that our natural state is one of happiness. We are born that way and meant to live that way. There is nothing wrong with enjoying life! Here are 3 ways yogis are more attractive:

1. Confident Attitude
Develyn Steele says, “Smiling changes your attitude, raises your confidence, and makes you more attractive.”

Whether you believe it or not, smiling changes how you feel. If you doubt this, then start smiling and thinking positive thoughts and see what develops. You will find that you can’t help but have a more .

Read the full article on DoYouYoga.com


21 Affirmations to Transform Your Life

“I cry at movies and commercials and youtube videos and people hugging at the airport and puppies playing and…well you get the picture. Even though I am not part of the action, to the brain it doesn’t matter. The mind will fool our brains because the neural networks of our thinking brain uses past memories to quickly respond to the visual cues.

The reality is that we have more than one mind. And each of these minds has a different experience of what is true.

We can influence our mind through suggestion known by medical professionals as the placebo effect. We believe a pill will make us feel better (e.g., reduce pain and anxiety). Based on the “power of suggestion” we can also use meditatation, visualization, and affirmations to lower stress.” – Silvia Mordini, Life Inspired Happiness Coach published by Daily Cup of Yoga

Read the rest of the article here