Spiritual Maintenance Means Taking a Break

I AM resting.

I’m taking a break for Spiritual Maintenance.
Truth is I still work too much, too many long hours, not enough savasana in my life. Daily I recommit to my #selfcare to constantly do the work of maintaining balance between #Giving and #Receiving.
On a bigger level I’m refining where I can be deeper in alignment with love. To love myself, love my day and love my life.
I’m not waiting for 2018 I’m dedicated to more Bhakti and bhukti now 💕🌻🌈☀️🎶🌴

Go Deeper Than Ever

Join our Alchemy of Yoga Family in Bali to go deeper than you’ve ever gone before in advanced Yoga Teacher Training~
We are calling you to join a purposely small tribe of 10 socially conscious yogapreneurs, seekers, rebel spirits, and stretchy-minded souls May 5-12, 2018.
Who Is This For?
* You have the desire to learn “How to Live a LIFE Inspired” for lasting change by cultivating inner happiness and outer bliss.
* You are ready to authentically and effectively inspire others to live their best lives.
* You feel called to teach about the interconnectedness of all people, nature, energies, past and future through the Alchemy of Love.
* You are ready to be held accountable for your Happiness.
Benefits You Can Expect:
* We will uncover the obstacles to your happiness
* We will show you how to tap into your greatest potential & live from your highest self
* We will make practical how to live your dharma
* We will hold you accountable for radical self-love and help you design self-care strategies (including daily meditation and mantra)
* We will guide you through in-depth development of business strategy, personal growth and soulful happiness.
* Personalized Business Coaching to develop your authentic brand, mission and vision.
* Personalized Spiritual Coaching offering you energy medicine prescriptions for happiness informed by your dosha, astrology, chakra balance, karma and your guides.
* An action plan to grow your business in an energetically sustainable way – no burnout!
Prerequisites for this program? You are ready to go DEEP and show up as your true SELF.
We’d love the opportunity to be part of your transformational journey living true to your Soul Contract!


Lens #bali @alchemyofyoga #teachpeace #yoga teacher training #dharma #tanahvillashanti



Join our Alchemy of Yoga Family in #Bali to go deeper than you’ve ever gone before~
We are calling you to join a purposely small tribe of 10 socially conscious yogapreneurs, seekers, rebel spirits, and stretchy-minded souls May 5-12, 2018.
Who Is This For?
* You have the desire to learn “How to Live a LIFE Inspired” for lasting change by cultivating inner happiness and outer bliss.
* You are ready to authentically and effectively inspire others to live their best lives.
* You feel called to teach about the interconnectedness of all people, nature, energies, past and future through the Alchemy of Love.
* You are ready to be held accountable for your Happiness.
Benefits You Can Expect:
* We will uncover the obstacles to your happiness
* We will show you how to tap into your greatest potential & live from your highest self
* We will make practical how to live your dharma
* We will hold you accountable for radical self-love and help you design self-care strategies (including daily meditation and mantra)
* We will guide you through in-depth development of business strategy, personal growth and soulful happiness.
* Personalized Business Coaching to develop your authentic brand, mission and vision.
* Personalized Spiritual Coaching offering you energy medicine prescriptions for happiness informed by your dosha, astrology, chakra balance, karma and your guides.
* An action plan to grow your business in an energetically sustainable way – no burnout!
1. Shrishti (creation) – Build your yoga business and have fun doing it.
2. Sthiti (sustatinment) – Enter the self-sustaining growth cycle of continuous expansion that can be the business of yoga and the brand YOU.
3. Samhara (growth) – Capture your infinite interest and stay inspired by dissolving your previous set points.
Together by you doing your best YOU, we will fully live our MISSION to #TEACH #PEACE.
Prerequisites for this program? You are ready to go DEEP and show up as your true SELF.
We know picking an advanced training program is hard. If our philosophy and approach resonates with you then apply today and let’s talk more to know for sure. We’d love the opportunity to be part of your transformational journey living true to your Soul Contract!

Reach out to me silvia@alchemytours.com

Non Residential $899 (no discounts)
Triple Lodging: $1595 USD Early Birds $1295
Double Lodging: $1895 USD Early Birds $1595
Single Lodging: $2395 USD Early Birds $2095


We stay at gorgeous Villa Tanah Shanti