5 Ways to Change Your Attitude

5 Ways to Change Your Attitude

We all know that the power of attitude can change our lives. Not only do our thoughts affect us in tangible ways, but we also have the extraordinary capacity to affect those around us, and the environment we live in. After all, the way we think mirrors how we see our lives.   Yoga teaches us that limiting our outlook is a root cause of suffering. The answer is to look inside. In yoga, this process of self-reflection is known as vichara. It starts by seeing the habits of our minds that keep us from living up to our potential.   From there we can implement small changes in attitude. Here are some suggestions and ways to change your attitude so you can gain a new perspective:

1. Take a day off from the Internet.

Lighten up your media diet by having Internet-free days on either a Saturday or Sunday. Turn off the TV and music and enjoy .

Read the full article on DoYouYoga.com

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